Outlaw Swamp Adventures Blog 2013 Season Wrap up
Wow, What a year for Outlaw Swamp Adventures sponsored by White Rhino Hunting Products! Like years in the past we had great accomplishments and heartbreaking losses. Once again, we learned more about ourselves as the hours turned into days and the days turned into seasons in our stands. And most importantly, the team from Outlaw Swamp and White Rhino Hunting Products Pro Staff– we learned we can count on each and family no matter what time or weather to help with a new trail, tree stand or dragging a deer out in minus -17 degree weather in a foot of snow! 2013 was the first year for the Swamper’s to be on a Pro Staff team. Although most of us are proficient hunters (some are even great hunters in our group…I didn’t make that list..) It was a whole other world filming, additional tree stands, outdoor hunting shows, merchandising, website, White Rhino /Mathew’s meetings and all around business obligations. Much like this blog, I intended on writing a blog several times throughout the year capturing the stories of “Raisy’s buck of choice”, “Loin Cloth’s takes a knee to secure a monster buck” , “Trail Boss only needs two arrows and one bullet to put three deer in freezer” along with my “Minus -17 no problem when you have friends like I do”. And so many others: Trail expansion at Outlaw Swamp, Pre Season Trail Cam, Pre Rut , Rut , Gun Season and Late Season Bow. It takes a lot more commitment than I ever realized, it didn’t take me long to understand this is a business. Add that to the time you want to spend in the woods and keeping a good balance with family time- let’s just say I did a C average at best, almost bordering on a D.. Even though Outlaw Swamp and our team has hunted together for some decades this is the first time anyone cared what we did ,hunted or said beyond ourselves and our family/friends at the local Lyndon Station watering hole. However, tis the season for New Year’s resolutions and mine revolves around do a better job as business leader of the Outlaw Swamp Adventures. Much along the lines in our “You Tube/Face Book “videos were just a bunch of regular guys that have real jobs. So when we get a chance to hunt we’re like trying to corral cats. Most of us hunt alone almost 90% of the time so we’re not used to asking someone to pick a date to get film in the can. Or we’re so worried about adding scent to our secret stand we figure...maybe next time I’ll call to get footage filmed. And I’m the worst offender with the before mentioned! I also plan to approach the blog/website side of this business with much more discipline. I spent over 35 days in a tree stand this year from Sept. 15th – Dec. 19th, I’ll need to do a better job uploading our website & writing the Outlaw Swamp Adventures. So here’s to a first great year of Outlaw Swamp Adventures! We want to thank all of our friends and family that support our hunting addiction, thanks to our followers on twitter @OutlawSwamp and Face Book friends. I’m not sure where this journey is going to lead this group of Misfitz’s but I am sure its going to be one ride you won’t want to miss! This is just the beginning! Fitzy Outlaw Swamp @OutlawSwamp
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