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Whitetailkillers.com :: First hunt with Port

First hunt with Port
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Author:  #1 Son [ Tue Oct 19, 2010 12:11 pm ]
Post subject:  First hunt with Port

Port and I have known each other since highschool, hung out together, worked together, partied together and had a lot of fun playing in a band together, but despite all of this we had never hunted together. We got permission from our boss at the time to hunt his property in Warren. He had 4 acres of pretty much swamp. Port and I found a few spots and hung some stands. I guess our stands might have been about 80 yards apart if that. The first night we finally got to hunt I had this button buck come in. We knew there were big bucks in the area but in order to kill one we had to shoot a doe in order to get a buck tag. I sure hated to kill a button buck, but this sucker would not leave. He kept going around and aorund my stand, eating my corn, and just making it impossible not to shoot. So I did. It just happened, that quick, and that easy. Port called me on the cell phone, did you hear that? What the hell was that? It sounded like someone hit a tree with a baseball bat! I said no, it was me and I shot a deer. Port replied well I'll climb out and meet up with you so we can track it. I started laughing, and told him I used the pattented by Jay ( me ) "stay here deer" shot. What the hell does that mean? Well my friend, there's no tracking involved when you use that shot, they just drop right there in their tracks. He said well, I'll help you gut it, and I laughed again and said hell, I'll have that done before you get over here to me. I love to bust chops, and I did wait for him. We drug him off away from the stand, took care of business, loaded him up, got him tagged, and celebrated with a traditional Coors Light. After that night we have spent many upon many hours terrorizing the woods of New Jersey together. I remember him laughing at my bow ( I was shooting an old Wing bow ) and he was shooting a Pro Line well, it wasn't long and I owned that Pro Line and Port bought his Pearson.

First hunt with Port.jpg
First hunt with Port.jpg [ 88.47 KiB | Viewed 2198 times ]

Author:  port [ Wed Oct 20, 2010 1:40 am ]
Post subject:  Re: First hunt with Port

Yeah we always had different spots. We would talk about hunting all the time, but we never got to go out together until we worked at this small paving company. If my memory serves me, the mosquitoes in there were almost as big as that deer. His old Wing was a loud bow. When he shot that deer, it sounded like he had hit a tree with his truck. Ahh, the good old days of steel cabled compounds. I did end up selling him my Proline, we didn't know anything about correct draw length back then. Looking back, I can't figure out how he killed anything with my old thirty one inch draw length bow. Since that night we have been partners, hunting together constantly. Now I just have to drive to Oklahoma to do it.

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