A bachelor group of six went by last night following one doe. Three went up the hillside to the corn field. Three stayed down by the creek. Two little ones got sporty and gave me a show sparring for quite awhile down near the creek while one stared and ignored every effort I made on the grunt tube. Finally three more does tried getting by them to go up the hill when one of the dinks got to chasing. All three does and the two small bucks went by at about fifteen yards.
The last one in the congo line looked pretty good and went by at about 22 yards. So I sent one on its way.
The shot looked great but damned if he didnt run about fifty yards and stop to look back. He stood there for three or four minutes and I started questioning my own eyes on the shot. Then the tail got to twitching and he took a header back into the creek. He wasnt quite what I had planned on shooting out this season, but he'll do nicely.
Had no intentions of waiting on a buck last night, so I brought the car and not the truck....bad choice, LOL.