Hi. It's me Port again. Number three is at the butcher shop. I have had a lot going on lately, and it has been cutting into my time in the woods. Tonight was the first chance I have had to get out since 9-18-10. The season has only been open two and a half weeks, and I have already missed a week and a half. I know, and I'm ashamed. Well, tonight was a Grim Reaper night. When I pulled it out of the quiver it just looked lucky. It was. I arrived at my spot for the night, and found deer in all the neighbor's yards. One lady came out to check her mailbox, and started laughing at me. There I was putting on my camos, and the deer are milling around forty yards away. I spent the evening in a backyard in N.J., with the home owners dog. I had just made it to the stand, when the owner let the dog out. The dog saw me in the woods and flipped out. I climbed the tree, but the barking continued for at least ten more minutes. I figured it wasn't going to work. The dog knew I was in there, but the electric fence was keeping him back, so every noise made him bark some more. Not little barks either, Otis is a Bull Mastiff. Big barks. I sat for three hours watching the deer out in the yards, with no deer in the patch of woods with me. At one point I thought that I would have been better off standing next to my truck, dressed like the UPS man, than sitting in a tree camoed up. I would have killed about ten, easily. Finally two does headed into the woods towards me. I think "this is it" and my heart starts pounding. I was starting to feel like the sit was going to pay off, when Otis heard them moving. Otis is fifteen feet behind my tree barking his fool head off. Now I'm thinking "this sucks". Well Otis knew where the invisible fence was, but apparently so did the deer. They stopped for a moment, and then kept coming. They chose a path that put them almost under the tree. Steep shot angle, imagine the placement of the vitals, bombs away. The Grim Reaper was hungry. It grabbed a little spine, then a lung, some of the heart, and then left a wicked exit wound. The deer hit the ground so hard, that I could hear the thud. This doe was so close, I was able to grab a picture right from the stand with my phone. NICE! Included please find, camera phone picture, exit wound photo, and the stupid picture I tried to take of myself with the deer in the truck. No more borrowed Subaru.
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_________________ The Pennsyltucky Hillbilly Flying the camo flag Your friend, Port