Here it was, finally a beautiful day that wasn't 100 degrees. It's only just now getting cool enough (where I feel comfortable) to hunt. I am not the type of person that likes to sweat my butt off all day in a tree. Anyway, I am all excited. Everything is finally in my favor. Wind is just a slight breeze out of the south, food plot is green green, and deer sign like you can't immagine. It's been 4 years since my last kill with the bow, and I'm itchin' to make something feel the wrath of my Mathews. I checked my stand not but a couple of months earlier with no problem so, I had not a worry in the world. I get to my stand, double check my bow hoist string, tie my bow fast, and away I went. I get up the tree to my stand, check all bolts, welds, and straps. Everything is all good. That's what I thought, but BOY was I WRONG ! ! ! I had a wasp flying around me but I had not paid all that much attention to it. Good ole' me grabbed my hat and smacked that sucker like Babe Ruth trying to smack one out of the park. I laughed about it but had no idea what was in store for me. So, I threw my hat back on my head, grabbed the tree stand gave it a good shake to make sure it was still good and tight in the tree and proceeded to climb in. Then I noticed it, a creepy feeling on my hand, kind of like someone trying to tickle my hand with a feather duster. I look at my hand as I also notice a sharp pain, OUCH ! ! ! Holy s*!t, there had to be 50-100 wasps from my fingertips to my shoulder. I grabbed my hat with my left hand and went to getting them off of me. My first reaction was to turn and run but I was 20 feet up in a tree. Taking a few stings to my right hand and seeing this huge cloud of wasps looming over me I felt it necessary to vacate the premisses and quick! As I started down the tree in a hurry, I missed a step. I remember starting to fall and all I could think of doing was to bear hug the tree. Away I went, sliding down the tree, then SMACK ! ! My left foot hit a peg, smack ! my right foot hit a peg. I sighed a breath of relief and looked to see where I was and how far I slid down the tree. I was at the bottom. my feet hit the last 2 steps on the tree. I grabbed my bow, and looked up at my stand to see this huge swarm of Red wasps or Mahogany Wasps. I was shaking like you couldn't immagine, and sore. I just had no idea how sore I really was. I make the 1/4 mile walk to my pickup, get my gear off of me, and I'm gone. I was going to stop by my moms and grab some bee spray to take care of the wasps with but when I went to get out of my truck I realized I was in some serious pain. I decided to go home instead and throw some ice on my ankle. I ended up not being able to walk on my left ankle so off to the hospital I went. The result, I stretched the ligaments in my left ankle that not but 2 years earlier I tore 3 ligaments in, a few cuts, scrapes, bruises and a pulled muscle in my right arm. Other than being sore, having to use a walking boot and crutches to get around I guess I consider myself pretty damn lucky. I'm glad I didn't just completely fall out of the tree. As soon as I can, you bet your ass I'm gonna get back out there first thing in the morning so the wasps are very slow and cold then I will kill them all with no chance of getting attacked, stung or falling out of the tree. Then it will once again be on ! ! !
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_________________ Blood Red My Broadhead