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The Story of El Coyote - Whitetailkillers.com


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 Post subject: The Story of El Coyote
PostPosted: Thu Jul 29, 2010 3:43 pm 
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Port and I along with #1Sons father took a trip out to Oklahoma to visit and hunt with #1Son.
We were out hanging stands and they thought I looked bored. So #1Son took me back to his place and I got changed in to the camo grabbed the bow set my cellular device on the bumper of his truck tied my boots and off to the Forty we went. I climbed in to the stand and sat for a while. After about an hour I tried the grunt call nothing came in. I tried again about fifteen minutes later and this little non-typical seven came in on a mission stomping around like he wanted to kick some ass. With that I put down the grunt call(If you ask Port I threw it out of the stand ) grabbed the bow and proceeded to let the wind out of him. I put a good hit on him but I still gave him a little time to deflate. I started to climb out of the stand and got about half way down and I heard them , I was not alone, I heard some coyotes in the woods with me.
They were close and there was more than one or two. So back up the tree I went.
I reached for the cell and "uh oh". Remember I said in the beginning I set it on the bumper? I never did say I picked it up. Well needless to say I sat there until dark until they came and got me. I climbed down when I could see Port at the bottom of my tree. We found the deer the coyotes did not get it. The guys were busting on me for not coming out of my stand until they got there for me. I was gutting the deer and it got really quiet. I mean deathly quiet and then a wolf started to howl. The busting stopped (for a few minutes) we grabbed the deer and got out of Dodge. So now they all call me The Coyote Kid. I am sure Port will add to the story in one of his completely honest replies.

elcoyote09.JPG [ 104.88 KiB | Viewed 3406 times ]
File comment: LtoR Me, Port, #1Son, and Big Dave
elcoyotegroup09.JPG [ 98.29 KiB | Viewed 3406 times ]

El Coyote
PostPosted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 10:14 am 
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Well, as I recall most of the story is true. While on our way to pick up El Coyote I called him on the two way radio, he explained to me he shot a deer but he was still up in the tree. He said something like get here quick and get me the hell out of here. Theres something running around the woods under my stand and a lot of growling and fighting going on. I could understand his being worried or nervousness especially when we got there we could here all of the coyotes running around. We parked right on the road at the trail for the stand, I grabbed my mag light and my pistol and we were off to save Steve ! When we got to the stand we found his pack and bow were on the ground under the tree and his grunt was about 10 feet away, he was still up in the stand like a cat treed from a pack of ravenous dogs. Shakin and still a little un-easy we convinced him to climb down out of the tree. We then proceeded to track the deer that he shot. We found the deer, not far from the stand. Shh, we are being followed, you didn't have to be quiet to hear that ! and they weren't far from us. When the wolves went to howling which sounded like they were right next to us the guts went flying and it was on, the 100 yard dash to the pickup trucks. You could hear all sorts of fighting and whelping going on as we were on our way out of the woods. Deer and gear in truck it was time to go home and celebrate where the coyotes and wolves couldn't get us and the beer was plenty ! I had a great time and can't wait to do it again !

Blood Red My Broadhead

PostPosted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 12:58 pm 
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Yup. We were hanging stands and he looked bored. #1Son warned him about the local predator population, coyotes, wolves, and the occasional mountain lion, and then dropped him at the Forty. I think C.K. was okay with all of this, while it was light out. Now this is where the facts become unclear, but here are some facts we do know. This is C.K.'s first buck with a bow. This is also the first buck that C.K. has grunted in. Both of these facts equal an excited Coyote Kid.
Big Dave and I had hung a couple of great stands, but it was really dark by the time we left the ranch we were hunting. Seeing as it was well past dark:thirty, I figured I'd give C.K. a call to let him know we were on our way. No answer on his cell.
When we got close enough #1Son called him on the walkie-talkie. C.K. said he had shot a deer, but he was still in the stand and wanted us to come get him out. "Coyotes are everywhere in here! Get me out!" From the tree stand C.K. could see us pull up on the road. I'm sure he could see my flashlight coming down the trail, but when I got to the tree, he was still in it. His grunt call was on the ground, and the tree was shaking just a little. The coyotes were howling and yipping all over the place, and I started teasing him about getting treed by coyotes. #1Son jumped right in and started making his own coyote noises. C.K. said the coyotes most certainly had gotten his deer already.
After we talked him into coming down, we started tracking his deer. C.K. had made a good shot, and the track job was short. The coyotes hadn't touched it, unbelievably. Halfway through the gut job, things got spooky quiet. The coyotes weren't making a sound and nothing was moving. Then we heard the big boy. When the wolf howled I got the creepy crawlies up and down my spine, and I know I'm not alone. We kicked it into gear and headed for the trucks. That's the first time I have heard a wolf howl and it is impressive. Especially in the woods, in the dark. Spooky!
That's the story of how C.K. got treed by coyotes and got his nickname. Oh, and I asked how the grunt call ended up on the ground. He says he set it on the platform, then knocked it off. I still think when that buck came in hot, he got excited and threw the call on the ground.
I can't wait to head back to Oklahoma and hunt with #1Son again. Maybe C.K. will get treed by something else this year.

The Pennsyltucky Hillbilly
Flying the camo flag
Your friend,

PostPosted: Sun Aug 01, 2010 5:59 pm 
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El Coyote

PostPosted: Sun Aug 29, 2010 7:58 pm 
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OOooooowwwww That's what I'm talkin about

Blood Red My Broadhead

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