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Attack of the killer wasps - Whitetailkillers.com


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PostPosted: Thu Oct 28, 2010 5:02 pm 
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Location: Calvin Oklahoma
Here it was, finally a beautiful day that wasn't 100 degrees. It's only just now getting cool enough (where I feel comfortable) to hunt. I am not the type of person that likes to sweat my butt off all day in a tree. Anyway, I am all excited. Everything is finally in my favor. Wind is just a slight breeze out of the south, food plot is green green, and deer sign like you can't immagine. It's been 4 years since my last kill with the bow, and I'm itchin' to make something feel the wrath of my Mathews. I checked my stand not but a couple of months earlier with no problem so, I had not a worry in the world. I get to my stand, double check my bow hoist string, tie my bow fast, and away I went. I get up the tree to my stand, check all bolts, welds, and straps. Everything is all good. That's what I thought, but BOY was I WRONG ! ! ! I had a wasp flying around me but I had not paid all that much attention to it. Good ole' me grabbed my hat and smacked that sucker like Babe Ruth trying to smack one out of the park. I laughed about it but had no idea what was in store for me. So, I threw my hat back on my head, grabbed the tree stand gave it a good shake to make sure it was still good and tight in the tree and proceeded to climb in. Then I noticed it, a creepy feeling on my hand, kind of like someone trying to tickle my hand with a feather duster. I look at my hand as I also notice a sharp pain, OUCH ! ! ! Holy s*!t, there had to be 50-100 wasps from my fingertips to my shoulder. I grabbed my hat with my left hand and went to getting them off of me. My first reaction was to turn and run but I was 20 feet up in a tree. Taking a few stings to my right hand and seeing this huge cloud of wasps looming over me I felt it necessary to vacate the premisses and quick! As I started down the tree in a hurry, I missed a step. I remember starting to fall and all I could think of doing was to bear hug the tree. Away I went, sliding down the tree, then SMACK ! ! My left foot hit a peg, smack ! my right foot hit a peg. I sighed a breath of relief and looked to see where I was and how far I slid down the tree. I was at the bottom. my feet hit the last 2 steps on the tree. I grabbed my bow, and looked up at my stand to see this huge swarm of Red wasps or Mahogany Wasps. I was shaking like you couldn't immagine, and sore. I just had no idea how sore I really was. I make the 1/4 mile walk to my pickup, get my gear off of me, and I'm gone. I was going to stop by my moms and grab some bee spray to take care of the wasps with but when I went to get out of my truck I realized I was in some serious pain. I decided to go home instead and throw some ice on my ankle. I ended up not being able to walk on my left ankle so off to the hospital I went. The result, I stretched the ligaments in my left ankle that not but 2 years earlier I tore 3 ligaments in, a few cuts, scrapes, bruises and a pulled muscle in my right arm. Other than being sore, having to use a walking boot and crutches to get around I guess I consider myself pretty damn lucky. I'm glad I didn't just completely fall out of the tree. As soon as I can, you bet your ass I'm gonna get back out there first thing in the morning so the wasps are very slow and cold then I will kill them all with no chance of getting attacked, stung or falling out of the tree. Then it will once again be on ! ! !

Red Wasp.jpg
Red Wasp.jpg [ 54.07 KiB | Viewed 3910 times ]

Blood Red My Broadhead
PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 12:04 am 
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Joined: Mon Jul 19, 2010 11:19 am
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He He He! This is the same stand that gave Stevie the nickname, The Coyote Kid. I'm thinking we might have to call #1 Son, The Red Hornet from now on.
Now I'm thinking maybe I don't want to hunt that stand. I already have enough nicknames.

Welcome to Oklahoma, here's a new nickname, have a nice day.

The Pennsyltucky Hillbilly
Flying the camo flag
Your friend,

PostPosted: Fri Oct 29, 2010 8:16 am 
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Joined: Tue Jul 20, 2010 4:28 pm
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As soon as I can I'm going to get out there and kill those wasps. I don't need another nickname just Billy the Exterminator LMAO. The mornings are getting pretty cool so it won't be a problem to knock them out and show them who's boss. This should be a lesson to people not a friggin joke. You never know what you may encounter when getting into your stand especially if it stayed in the tree over the summer or was hung early in the summer months. Missing a step while trying to climb out of a treestand is about as funny as getting your front teeth knocked down your throat for laughing about it.

Blood Red My Broadhead

PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 8:26 am 
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El Coyote

PostPosted: Tue Nov 02, 2010 8:37 am 
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Just kidding #1son .I hope you are OK and able to get in a tree real soon.

El Coyote

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